Saturday, February 25, 2012

Round date on a chart

I'm collecting performance counters from few servers.
They are collecting every 10 minutes. After that i need to create
day-report.But when i put "processor use" on Y and time on X, on X i've got
a forest of small dates.
I need only fuul hours (8, 10, 12 etc). How can i do this?
I;m thinking about round it, but what syntax is for it?
And where to type it?
LeszekUse Date.Parse
Andy Potter|||I think that there is a problem with only showing that dates.
When i put (under chart) a Computername, then i have information about
processor for each computer (labels with computername exists).
But when i put date there, i see only my text (without dates).
Where can be a problem?
Type conversion?
I just need to display hours...
Uzytkownik "Potter" <> napisal w wiadomosci
> Use Date.Parse
> Andy Potter
>|||I'm not really following you. You're concatenating text and a datetime
value? Have you tried doing a .ToString on your date value?
Andy Potter|||If I get you right, you have too many datas for a day and you only want to
"print" a label in the chart every hour, not every 10 minutes. I had a
similar situation way back, and the date/time labels at the bottom of the
charts got very small and unreadable.
My first try was to show only every 6th label by leaving 5 blank and only
show 1, but Reporting Services fully drawn the blank labels over my real ones
which were unreadable as well. Finally I create the average of the 6 values
on the SQL server and used this aggregate for displaying (To catch suspicious
values I also added a min/max value as well).
The SQL looked like:
select min(Value) as minValue, max(Value) as maxValue, avg(Value) as avgValue
, min ( cast(floor(cast(tmDate as float) * 24) / 24 as smalldatetime) ) as
select Value, tmDate from tabMeasures where tmDate between @.tmStart and
group by datepart(hour, tmDate)
To hide the seconds in the chart I used to modify the label field from
"Leszek" wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm collecting performance counters from few servers.
> They are collecting every 10 minutes. After that i need to create
> day-report.But when i put "processor use" on Y and time on X, on X i've got
> a forest of small dates.
> I need only fuul hours (8, 10, 12 etc). How can i do this?
> I;m thinking about round it, but what syntax is for it?
> And where to type it?
> Leszek
>|||Now i have different problem:
When i see my report, i see only one date. Other are like 38748, 37568 etc.
It looks like converted date to other type of values?
Sometimes i see two dates and other date values are 38732, 38768 :/
Where could be a problem?
And my other problem - how can i dynamically generate report, where i will
get as much charts, as i have comupters in my database.column?
U¿ytkownik "GreyMana" <> napisa³ w
> If I get you right, you have too many datas for a day and you only want to
> "print" a label in the chart every hour, not every 10 minutes. I had a
> similar situation way back, and the date/time labels at the bottom of the
> charts got very small and unreadable.
> My first try was to show only every 6th label by leaving 5 blank and only
> show 1, but Reporting Services fully drawn the blank labels over my real
> ones
> which were unreadable as well. Finally I create the average of the 6
> values
> on the SQL server and used this aggregate for displaying (To catch
> suspicious
> values I also added a min/max value as well).
> The SQL looked like:
> select min(Value) as minValue, max(Value) as maxValue, avg(Value) as
> avgValue
> , min ( cast(floor(cast(tmDate as float) * 24) / 24 as smalldatetime) ) as
> tmDate
> from
> (
> select Value, tmDate from tabMeasures where tmDate between @.tmStart and
> @.tmEnd
> )
> group by datepart(hour, tmDate)
> To hide the seconds in the chart I used to modify the label field from
> =Fields!tmDate.Value
> to
> =Fields.tmDate.Value.ToShortTimeString()
> "Leszek" wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I'm collecting performance counters from few servers.
>> They are collecting every 10 minutes. After that i need to create
>> day-report.But when i put "processor use" on Y and time on X, on X i've
>> got
>> a forest of small dates.
>> I need only fuul hours (8, 10, 12 etc). How can i do this?
>> I;m thinking about round it, but what syntax is for it?
>> And where to type it?
>> Leszek

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