Monday, March 26, 2012

Row_Number() fails to return anything

I am using SQLExpress and want to do some custom paging with a grid but can not get the sproc to produce any results. I don't get any error just a resultset of 0 rows whenever I include the row_number function.

Sample Table:
refID int identity increments by 1
refSubject nvarchar(100)
refBody nText

Sample sproc that works
create proc sp_RefListing as
select refid
, refsubject
from myTable

Sample Sproc that doesn't work:
with OrderedRefList as
(Select refid
,row_number() OVER (order by refsubject) as rownum
from myTable)
select refid
from OrderedRefList
where rownum < 10

When I execute I get no errors or warnings during save, but I get no data.

Is there something I am doing wrong, is there a setting in SQLExpress I need to change to allow row_number?

Thanks in advance for your assistance,


Did you ever get an answer to this question? I am having the same issue. The SPROC doesn't return anything when executed within Visual Studio 2005 Pro, but will return fine if the same query is put into a view, or if the SPROC is called from MS Access or SQL Management Studio. Appears to be a problem with Visual Studio 2005.sql

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